Afghan Girl [1984]

Omayra Sanchez[1985]

Portrait of Winston Churchill[1941]

The plight of Kosovo refugees[1999]

Stricken child crawling towards a food camp[1994]

Segregated Water Fountains[1950]

Burning Monk - The Self Immolation [1963]

Bliss [~2000]

The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire[1911]

Overtaking thru the wagon...

This guy must be in real hurry...

No...I just pressed accelerator mistaking it for brake...

Please Read the text with the picture...

You have to be really focussed in terrains, otherwise...

Accidents below water too...OMG..

This guy must be a kin of Osama...

F-1 in air...

Train disasters happen in Europe too...

No words to describe...

Poor Pilot... Poor Glider... Poor Zebra...

The award for Excellence in Accidents (Male) is shared by,

1. Electric car put for charging...

2. Geep perfoming Yoga...

3. I still cant imagine how he got to the first floor...

